Thursday, October 4, 2012

Midterm Check-In

Dear Professor Cline,

This semester has been quite the interesting one so far.  It has been quite a while since I completed English 101, so the kind of writing that has been required for the compositions for this class was somewhat out of practice for me.  I did take a creative writing class, and have of course had writing assignments in the mean time, but they are quite different from literary analysis.  There are elements of literary analysis that play into the other types of writing of course as well.  While writing history papers, I was required to use primary sources as support, which requires that those sources be analyzed for their intended audience, purpose etc.  Pure literary analysis is different though, and through this class we have be able to use it for interpreting fiction and satire as well as the more factual types of work where it is applied in other disciplines.

One of my biggest challenges has been keeping up with all my classmates blogs.  They have such interesting things to say, and reading their blogs weekly to comment for class is rewarding, but I often don't get around to it until the end of the week.  Sometimes it's very hard to schedule time for school assignments around the lives and schedules of four kids!  I feel that my biggest success however has been my own blog.  I took the summer off from school this year, and spent a lot of time doing something that I hadn't had time to for awhile, reading books that I wanted to read.  Through the blog for this class I have found a way to share not only my assignments, but also the other things that I have been reading, and my thoughts on them.

We have read a great variety of work thus far this semester.  I have really enjoyed the things that we have read.  There is so much that we can take in from reading works from the past as we have been doing.  It's a great way to see how people looked at and understood the world in which they were living in at the time, and to see how they looked at and felt about the issues facing people then.  I tend to like a historical and cultural approach to the reading I do, so I think I really look for this, and have enjoyed that aspect of the reading we have done.  Another really interesting thing about reading historical commentaries is that they can be so applicable to life today as well.  Though we are separated by time, the human condition is often not much different.  Perhaps some of the views and suggestions of the past still hold true, and could be used to help understand or address modern day issues.

My hope is that I continue with this semester that I can keep up the level of work that I have been doing on my blog posts, and that I can improve my composition writing.  Essays are a place where there is always room for improvement.  Even the greatest of writers have editors.  I want to be able to produce work of which I can be proud, and to finish out the semester well!


  1. I think one of the major things that I agree with you on here is keeping up with everyone's blogs. Sometimes it'shard to read all of them in one week and to reply on them. So you just have to pick out a few rather than the whole class. I do agree also that there is ALWAYS room for improvement when it comes to writing. That is something that I struggle with so I know I'm trying to do the best in this class along with all the other classes I have. I'm sure you are doing awesome!! Good luck for the second half of the semester.

  2. I have to agree with the both of you because when im head of the rest of our classmates its hard to try keep up with them because they are not ahead like me. i like that you want to improve in the class because i think that everyone should want to get better.I hope you do very good at the end of the semester!!Our journey is almost over so hold on.

  3. Gretchen, Keeping up with all this work is hard but we eventually get it done even if its last minute. I’m sure our other classmates are trying to keep up as well. I like when you said "Essays are a place where there is always room for improvement. Even the greatest of writers have editors. I want to be able to produce work of which I can be proud" Love it! I feel the same way. My work may not be the best, but I try all I can to make it happen. I hope you have a wonderful semester.

  4. Gretchen,
    Once again you have done an awesome job on your blog post for the week! I have to agree that it's very hard to keep up with all the blog comments and posts. I wish there was time to read and look at everyone's. It really helps to improve your writing when people leave you constructive comments. I hope that you continue to post blogs after this class ends. Your blog is amazing and very well done! You could help a lot of people who are also in school. I wish you the best with the rest of the semester but trust me you will have no problems with that!

  5. I had not thought to compare historical research papers to literary analysis but I can see how they would both intersect and be completely different. I think your blog is something you should be proud of; it is wonderful how much time you put into it, and into the reading that is required, especially if you have four kids. Kudos!
