Friday, May 3, 2013

Reading More Soon!

There are just a few more days left in my current semester.  Then I'll be graduating and hopefully have more time for reading and writing further blog posts.  I have been busy on my home schooling blog, mostly with my own posts for my biology class, but with some things about the kids as well.  We have some crazy big plans for the summer, but they certainly include time for reading!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Playing Catch Up

While I did quite a bit of reading over the winter break, (I completed 2 Sherman Alexie novels and read some other things as well,) I also spent a lot of time with the kids while they were out of school.  I simply didn't have time to blog while we were running around having adventures and I was helping the oldest two earn 3 National Park Jr. Ranger Badges.  Any school break adventure that includes that much learning is a success in my book!  My want to read pile of course also grew during the break.  The problem is that now I have restarted school and will be very busy with 4 classes this semester, and graduation in May.  So, there probably won't be much book blogging until the summer break!  I will be blogging some of my work for my classes this semester, but am planning to do so using the blog I originally created for my home schooling experiences with my kids (here).  If you're interested in checking on what I'm going I encourage you to check there, but know that I'm not quitting book blogging, just too busy completing other life goals at this time! :)